Wendy’s 2022 Corporate Responsibility Report
Food, People and Footprint updates from Wendy’s Good Done Right Goals

Wendy’s® is committed to driving positive change across the communities in which we serve. We continue to accelerate progress through our corporate responsibility platform, Good Done Right, and our key focus areas of Food, People and Footprint.
Released today, our 2022 Corporate Responsibility Report reflects Wendy’s achievement of key milestones, including setting new goals to cut greenhouse gas emissions, meeting a 10-year goal related to responsibly sourcing pork in the U.S. and Canada, and supporting the Dave Thomas Foundation of Adoption® and its mission to find forever families for children in foster care with a record-breaking year of fundraising.
Wendy’s Good Done Right Goals
We are committed to collaborating across our System and with key stakeholders to champion Good Done Right and will continue to report progress against our goals, which include:
- Food: Responsibly source our top 10 priority food categories by 2030 in the U.S. and Canada
- People: Increase the representation of underrepresented populations among our Company’s leadership and management, as well as the diversity of our franchisees
- Footprint:
- Compared to a 2019 base year, by 2030, reduce:
- Absolute Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions by 47%
- Scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions intensity by 47% per metric ton of purchased goods
- Scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions intensity by 47% per franchise restaurant
- Sustainably source 100% of our customer-facing packaging in the U.S. and Canada by 2026
- Compared to a 2019 base year, by 2030, reduce:
Gaining Forward Momentum
After establishing our corporate responsibility goals and laying a strong foundation, we are now taking significant steps forward in delivering on our commitments across Food, People and Footprint. To learn more about what we accomplished this past year and why this work is so important, watch our 2022 Corporate Responsibility video update:
We are proud of the progress across our global System and energized to see how our collective efforts continue to shape and accelerate the future of our business. For more information about Wendy’s ESG strategy and milestones, please view our 2022 Corporate Responsibility report.